The Power of Unity and Nonviolence

Listen up, kids, I have a tale to tell,
About how we can make our world swell.
It's about politics and beliefs we hold,
And how our actions can be bold.

Let's start with an example, simple and clear,
Of how we can make our intentions appear.
We must register our voice and be heard,
And let our opinions take the world by storm.

But with politics, there is always a divide,
And we must learn to compromise to bring people onside.
We can unite in our beliefs and fight for a cause,
But let's do it with nonviolence and put away our claws.

Our beliefs can influence those around us,
And with our actions, we can make a fuss.
But remember, it's important to respect and be kind,
And not leave any hurt feelings behind.

So let's make a stand and fight for what's right,
But let's do it with love and not with spite.
Our political beliefs don't have to divide us,
Let's work together and make the world a plus.


  1. What does it mean to register your voice and be heard?
  2. Why is it important to respect and be kind to others, even when we disagree with their beliefs?
  3. How can compromise help bring people together and make a positive change?
  4. What are some nonviolent methods we can use to influence others and bring about change?
  5. Why is it important to unite in our beliefs and work together to make the world a better place?

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