Defending Our Bodies: A Tale of Fighting Disease

Once upon a time, in a world far away,
An outbreak occurred on a sunny day.
An epidemic spread and people got sick,
And the cause of it all was a nasty trick.

Some organisms contaminated the food,
And the symptoms showed up, not feeling good.
Some couldn't resist, they fell quite ill,
But some fought back with their immune system still.

Lactose was a problem for some,
But it didn't cause the disease to come.
Our bodies are made of cells, you see,
And they work together to keep us healthy.

When we get sick, we might need a pill,
An antibiotic to help us heal.
We must be careful to take it right,
So our bodies can put up a good fight.

We can stay healthy and strong,
By washing our hands all day long.
And if we have a disease we can't beat,
We'll go to the doctor and take a seat.

So remember, young ones, to keep yourself clean,
And your immune system will be a fighting machine.
Stay safe and healthy, and you will be fine,
And don't forget to wash those hands every time!


  1. What is the outbreak that occurs in the story and how does it spread?
  2. What are some of the symptoms of the disease that people experience?
  3. How does the immune system help our bodies fight off infections and diseases?
  4. What are some things we can do to stay healthy and prevent the spread of illness?
  5. Why is it important to take antibiotics correctly and only when they are prescribed by a doctor?

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