The Brave and Versatile Ship

Come gather 'round, young ones, and hear this tale of old,
Of a sleek and versatile ship, so brave and bold.

Her hull was strong and steady, her prow sharp and true,
With a variety of sails to catch the wind anew.

She sailed the open waters, with quarters for her crew,
And though she faced barbarians, she knew just what to do.

She never had to surrender, for she was strong and fleet,
And her brave and daring sailors made her enemies retreat.

They fought to protect their ship, their treasure and their pride,
And never let the barbarians come near their precious hide.

They used their bows and arrows, to fend off all the plunder,
And their ship remained unharmed, as they sailed and sailed under.

So let this tale inspire you, to be brave and strong and true,
Like the sailors on that ship, who never gave in to the crew.

And if you ever face danger, just remember this one thing,
You have the power to conquer it, if you just spread your wings.


Here are a few questions that kids could think about related to the story:

  1. What do you think it means to be versatile, and how was the ship in the story versatile?
  2. Why do you think the sailors on the ship were so brave, and what kind of dangers did they face?
  3. What did the sailors do to protect their ship from the barbarians, and why was it important to them to keep their treasure safe?
  4. Have you ever faced a situation where you had to be brave, and what did you do to overcome your fear?
  5. How can we apply the lessons we learn from this story to our own lives, and what can we do to be strong and fearless like the sailors on the ship?

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