The Monk's Vow: A Tale of Justice and Compassion

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived a monk who had taken a vow to pray,
He spent his days in quiet meditation,
And wrote with his quill, to aid concentration.

One day, an archer came to the monk's door,
His face was glum, and his spirit was poor,
He had been duped by a spiteful man,
Who had taken his money and run, with a scam.

The monk listened to the archer's tale,
And wrote a warrant to put him in jail,
He knew that the archer had been wronged,
And he didn't want the culprit to go on, unthronged.

The archer thanked the monk and left with a smile,
He was grateful for his help, and it showed for a while,
The monk went back to his quill and parchment,
To continue his work, without any dissent.

And so the story goes, a lesson learned,
That even in tough times, one can still yearn,
For justice, for fairness, for what is right,
And to always be kind, without any spite.

The archer's shaft may have missed its mark,
But with the monk's help, he found his spark,
To continue his journey, with a newfound zeal,
And to always remember, to always be real.


Sure, here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. Who is the main character in the story, and what vow did he take?
  2. What did the archer ask the monk for help with, and how did the monk respond?
  3. Why was the archer feeling glum at the beginning of the story, and how did he feel at the end?
  4. What lesson did the monk teach the archer, and how did it affect the archer's outlook on life?
  5. Do you think it's important to be kind and just to others, even if they have wronged us in the past? Why or why not?

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