Lily's Keyboard Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily. She was curious and loved to learn new things. One day, she met a person named Alex who was typing on a keyboard.

Lily asked, "What are you doing?"

Alex replied, "I am a writer. I use this keyboard to type my stories."

Lily was amazed and asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Alex," he said.

Lily then asked, "What's your nationality?"

"I am from the United States," said Alex.

Lily was fascinated and asked, "What kind of stories do you write?"

"I write stories for kids like you," said Alex with a smile.

Lily was so excited to meet a real writer and asked, "Can you teach me how to type on a keyboard?"

"Of course," said Alex. "I would love to teach you."

And so, Alex taught Lily how to type on the keyboard, and she practiced every day. Soon, she became a great typist and even wrote her own stories.

The end.


  1. Who is Lily and what does she do?
  2. Who does Lily meet in the story?
  3. What does Alex do for a living?
  4. What does Alex teach Lily?
  5. What does Lily learn from Alex?
  6. What does Lily do after she learns how to type on the keyboard?

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