Title: The Magic of Telegraphy

Once upon a time in history,
There was a thing called telegraphy,
It used Morse code to send a message,
Across great distances and different stages.

The wires hummed with an electric current,
That sent signals through the filament,
A tiny wire with a glow so bright,
Alkaline batteries kept it alight.

A patent was granted for this device,
And it changed the way we communicate nice,
Photographs and news spread fast,
With the telegraph, information was amassed.

But sometimes we can get distracted,
By the bright fluorescent lights refracted,
From screens and gadgets that we hold,
That make us forget the stories of old.

So let us remember the telegraph's way,
And the messages it sent every day,
It brought us closer, even when apart,
And that's a lesson we can keep in our heart.


  1. What is the telegraph and how does it work?
  2. Why was the telegraph an important invention in history?
  3. How did the telegraph change the way people communicated with each other?
  4. How does the use of the telegraph compare to the way we communicate with each other today?
  5. Why is it important to remember and appreciate the ways people communicated in the past?

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