Max and the Magic Forest: A Story of Healing

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Max. Max woke up one day feeling itchy all over. He also had a cough and a fever. His mother took him to the doctor who told him he had a cold. The doctor gave him medicine to help with his symptoms and told him to rest and drink plenty of fluids.

Max followed the doctor's orders and stayed in bed all day. He drank lots of water and took his medicine. He also tried to scratch his itchy spots, but it was hard because he was so weak from his fever.

One night, Max had a dream. In his dream, he was walking through a magical forest filled with trees that had leaves that could cure any illness. Max picked a leaf from each tree and rubbed it all over his body to stop the itching. He also ate some leaves to help with his cough and drank some of the dew from the leaves to bring down his fever.

When Max woke up, he felt much better! His itchy spots were gone, his cough was gone, and his fever was gone too! He was so happy that he ran to his mother to tell her all about his dream.

Max's mother was amazed by his story and took him back to the doctor to see if he was really better. The doctor checked him over and was shocked to see that Max was completely cured! He asked Max how he got better so fast and Max told him about his dream and the magical forest.

The doctor was so impressed by Max's story that he wrote it down in a book and showed it to all of his patients. From then on, whenever a child was feeling itchy, had a cough, or had a fever, the doctor would tell them about Max's dream and the magical forest. And just like Max, the children would get better very quickly!

The end.


  1. What was Max feeling when he first woke up in the story?
  2. How did Max feel after visiting the doctor?
  3. What happened in Max's dream?
  4. How did Max feel when he woke up from his dream?
  5. Why was the doctor amazed by Max's story?
  6. How did the doctor help other children who were feeling sick?
  7. What did Max learn from his experience?

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