Flight of the Fledgling: A Tale of Hope and Home

In an urban landscape, quite near,
Lived a fledgling bird, filled with fear,
Orphaned and alone, it longed for home,
And wished for friends with whom to roam.

But danger lurked, a predator near,
Hunting for prey, with sharp-edged spear,
The fledgling shivered, it was afraid,
And wished for a safe place to be laid.

Then came a volunteer, with open heart,
Offering a place for a fresh start,
An incubator to keep it warm,
A loving hand to shield from harm.

Soon the fledgling grew strong and bright,
Ready to take on its first flight,
An ambassador of the wild and free,
A symbol of hope for all to see.

With a habitat to call its own,
And a world to explore and roam,
The fledgling soared high and true,
A symbol of what we can all do.


  1. How do you think the fledgling felt when it was orphaned and alone?
  2. What did the volunteer do to help the fledgling?
  3. Why do you think it's important to protect habitats for wild animals?
  4. What can we do to be ambassadors for animals and the environment?
  5. Have you ever seen a baby bird or any other animal that needed help? What did you do to help it?

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