The Mighty River and Its Impactful Journey

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived a river that flowed all night and day,
It carried with it many things, you see,
Like sediment and nutrients, to be free.

The river rushed and flowed so fast,
That it sometimes made an impact that would last,
It carved out the earth with its might,
Creating levees so tall and bright.

When it rained, precipitation would fall,
And the river would rise, towering over all,
But when the rain stopped, it began to recede,
Leaving behind a path, just like a stampede.

The sediment it carried, it would deposit,
On the land that it flowed, like a magic potion,
Providing the soil with nutrients, so rare,
That the plants would grow, without a care.

So you see, my dear little ones,
The river is more than just for fun,
It helps the earth in so many ways,
And for that, we should give it our praise.


  1. What are some things that the river carries along with it?
  2. How does the river make an impact on the land it flows through?
  3. What are some ways in which the river provides nutrients to the land?
  4. How do the levees along the river form?
  5. Why is the river important to the plants and animals that live near it?

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