Title: "The Revolution for Independence

Once upon a time, in a land so great,
Lived people with pride, love and faith.
Their history so rich, their culture so diverse,
Their love for their native land, an unbreakable verse.

But there came a time, when they felt oppressed,
Their voices unheard, their rights suppressed.
So they gathered together, a revolution they sought,
A change they wanted, a better life they thought.

They fought for their freedom, for their independence,
They stood tall and strong, with no hesitation.
They wanted to live, in a world of their own,
To create a new civilization, a place they could call home.

And after many struggles, a compromise was made,
A new dawn arose, a new path was paved.
Their anthem was sung, with pride and emotion,
For they had achieved, their long-awaited devotion.

And now they live, in a world of their own,
A place of happiness, where love has grown.
Their culture so rich, their history so great,
Their native land, their pride and their fate.


  1. Why did the people in the story feel oppressed, and what did they do to change their situation?
  2. What does it mean to compromise, and why was it important for the people in the story to make a compromise?
  3. What is an anthem, and why was it significant for the people in the story to have one?
  4. Why do you think it's important for people to have independence and freedom in their lives?
  5. What can we learn from the story about the importance of standing up for what we believe in and working together to achieve our goals?

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