The Adventures in the Enchanted Cave

Come gather around, my dear little friends
I'll tell you a tale that never ends
About a passageway deep and wide
Full of wonders that you can't hide

With your scuba gear, you can dive
Into a world that's truly alive
Where stalagmites stand tall and proud
And columns hold up the cave like a crowd

In a chamber, you might find
A collapse, that happened over time
But don't you fret, there's much to see
In the lava tube, waiting for thee

Formation after formation, they stand
Stalactites dripping, like a hand
Reaching down to touch the ground
While drapery hangs all around

And if you're a spelunker, brave and true
There's no telling what you might do
So come on and explore, with all your might
And discover the wonders of the cave, tonight!


  1. What was your favorite part of the cave that the friends explored?
  2. What kind of challenges did the friends face during their exploration?
  3. What do you think it would be like to go scuba diving in a cave like the one in the story?
  4. Do you think it's important to explore and learn about the natural world? Why or why not?
  5. If you could explore any kind of cave, what would it look like and what would you hope to find?

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