The Secrets of Ancient Egypt

In ancient lands of sand and sun,
Where pyramids rise one by one,
There lived a people long ago,
Whose culture we still seek to know.

The Egyptians, a mighty race,
Had customs that left a lasting trace.
Mummification was their way,
To preserve their loved ones day by day.

The endeavor of the embalmer's art,
Was to keep the body from falling apart.
With linen wraps and preservatives,
The mummy was prepared for its long-term objectives.

A scribe was hired to take down the tales,
Of pharaohs, gods, and their lavish details.
A priest or priestess would offer prayer,
To ensure the soul would go somewhere fair.

From quarry stones the pyramid was made,
A monumental structure that still amaze.
A place of rest for kings and queens,
Whose spirits still reside in sacred scenes.

So let us learn from Egypt's past,
And the treasures that it still holds fast.
For there is much we can still discover,
From this ancient land like no other.


  1. What is mummification, and why was it important to the ancient Egyptians?
  2. How were the pyramids built, and what was their purpose?
  3. What roles did scribes, priests, and priestesses play in ancient Egyptian society?
  4. What are some of the other customs and traditions of ancient Egypt that we still find interesting or mysterious today?
  5. How do you think life was different for people living in ancient Egypt compared to today?

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