Adventure on the Mountain

Once upon a time, on a mountain high,
There was a group of adventurers, reaching for the sky,
They had all the tools they could need,
GPS, igniters, and barrels indeed.

But as they journeyed up the steep incline,
A strong crosswind caused them to lose time,
And before they knew it, they'd fallen into a gully,
Unconscious and hurt, their spirits feeling dull-y.

But fear not, for help was on the way,
A search and rescue team had come to save the day,
They found the adventurers, injured but alive,
And with disdain for danger, they began to thrive.

They trekked through the snow, and over the glacier,
Aiming to keep the adventurers out of danger,
With the igniter, they built a fire so bright,
And soon the camp was glowing with light.

The team worked hard, with a steady pace,
To help the adventurers recover and save face,
And in no time, they were ready to leave,
With a newfound respect for the mountain and all its sheen.

So, young kids, remember this story well,
Adventure is fun, but can also be a spell,
Be prepared and respectful of nature's power,
And you'll be able to climb any mountain, tower, or tower.


  1. What tools did the adventurers bring with them, and how did they help in their journey?
  2. What caused the adventurers to fall into the gully, and how did they get rescued?
  3. How did the adventurers feel about their experience after they were rescued?
  4. What did the adventurers learn about the mountain and nature's power?
  5. How can we prepare ourselves and show respect for nature when we go on an adventure?

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