The Joyful Detour

Once upon a time in a land far away,
There was a fancy villa where people would stay.
And every day a carriage would come,
To take them around, to have some fun.

The driver was a colleague, friendly and kind,
He wore a tweed suit and had a great mind.
He knew all the detours and the best routes to take,
So the passengers could relax and take a break.

But one day, the mood was vaguely low,
The passengers were quiet, moving slow.
A cloud of depression seemed to hang around,
Making the once happy travelers frown.

The colleague knew just what to do,
He took a detour with a different view.
And as they rode along the scenic way,
He shared a memoir to brighten the day.

He told them tales of adventures past,
Of daring feats and experiences that last.
The passengers listened and their spirits rose,
As they forgot their worries and their woes.

And when they arrived back at the villa,
They were grateful to the colleague, with a thrill.
For his kindness and his heart so true,
And for the detour that brought joy anew.

So remember, when life gets you down,
And everything seems to wear a frown.
Take a detour, and open your mind,
To new adventures that you can find.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about "The Joyful Detour":

  1. How did the passengers feel at the beginning of the story, and how did the colleague help them feel better?
  2. What was the colleague's job, and how did he dress?
  3. What did the colleague do to make the journey more interesting?
  4. How did the colleague's stories make the passengers feel?
  5. Why do you think it's important to take a detour sometimes and try something new?

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