Echoes of the Kiva: A Tale of Native American Resilience and Spirituality

In the land of the Native American,
A world of wonder and ancient ruin,
Lies a place where the spirits roam,
And the echoes of history intone.

The sun beats down on the mesa high,
Where petroglyphs etched in stone lie,
Tales of a time long gone by,
And the descendants of those who did once thrive.

The kiva sits below the ground,
A sacred space where the people gather round,
To share stories, songs, and prayer,
And connect with spirits everywhere.

But the land has suffered from drought,
And disintegrate it seems without doubt,
The disapproving winds have blown in,
And the spirits are feeling thin.

The people wear camouflage to blend in,
With the colors of the land they've been,
And they sipapu water from the earth,
To honor the land of their birth.

They sing and dance to bring the rain,
And hope to see the land green again,
For they know the land is their life,
And they'll protect it from ruin and strife.

So let us honor the Native American,
And learn from their wisdom if we can,
For they have much to teach us all,
And the spirits of the land do call.


Here are some questions to ask kids to think about "Echoes of the Kiva":

  1. What is a kiva and why is it important to the Native American community in the story?
  2. How do the people in the story honor the land and the spirits that live there?
  3. What challenges does the community face, and how do they respond to those challenges?
  4. What can we learn from the Native American community's spiritual traditions and their relationship with the natural world?
  5. How can we all work to protect the environment and the cultures that depend on it?

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