Title: The Power of Friendship: Overcoming Rumors and Gossip.

Once upon a time, in a land of make-believe
A rumor spread that caused some to grieve
Whispers and gossip slunk through the air
Making assumptions that were unfair

Some came to the conclusion, without any proof
That a young rabbit was the culprit, aloof
They thought he had expel secrets so dear
But in reality, he had nothing to fear

The consequence of this humiliating chatter
Was that poor bunny began to sulk and scatter
But then his friends rallied to his side
Deploying love and respect, no need to hide

They showed him that rumors don't define
And that true friends will always shine
With kindness and compassion in their hearts
They won over the rumors that tore them apart

So let this be a lesson to all, big and small
Gossip and rumors can cause us to fall
But with love and respect, we can rise above
And stand together in friendship and love.


  1. What happened when the rumor spread about the young rabbit?
  2. How did the other animals assume the rabbit was guilty?
  3. How did the rabbit feel when he heard the rumors about himself?
  4. How did the other animals show their love and support for the rabbit?
  5. What did the animals learn about the power of friendship and respect?
  6. What could the animals have done differently to avoid the situation in the first place?
  7. Have you ever been in a situation where someone spread a rumor or gossip about you or someone you know? How did you handle it?
  8. How can we be good friends and avoid spreading rumors and gossip?

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