Title: "The Brave Musher and the Race Against Diphtheria

Out in the tundra cold and white,
Lives a musher who braves the night,
With dogs who run and bark and play,
They journey on, day by day.

Their task is mandatory, you see,
To deliver medicine so carefully,
For a disease called diphtheria lurks,
And the musher's mission is hard work.

The journey ahead is grueling and long,
But the musher and dogs must stay strong,
They must insulate from the cold,
To keep their bodies warm and bold.

But with each passing day they gain,
The finish line no longer a pain,
And soon the medicine will arrive,
To keep the sick and dying alive.

So young kids, remember this tale,
Of the musher and dogs who did prevail,
And how their bravery helped so many,
In a land where the tundra is plenty.


  1. What was the mission of the musher and their dogs in the story?
  2. How did the musher and dogs prepare for the grueling journey ahead?
  3. What challenges did the musher and dogs face during their journey to deliver the medicine?
  4. Why was their mission so important to the people living in the area?
  5. What did you learn about diphtheria from this story?
  6. How do you think the musher and dogs felt when they finally completed their mission?
  7. What qualities do you think the musher and dogs had that helped them succeed in their mission?
  8. How does this story show the importance of courage, determination, and teamwork?
  9. What other kinds of jobs do you think require people to work together to achieve a common goal?
  10. What lessons can we learn from this story that we can apply in our own lives?

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