The Burro's Portal Adventure

Come gather round, young ones, and listen to my tale,
Of a wondrous adventure, through a mystical portal veil.

We start with a prospector, bold and brave,
Whose ideal was to find treasure, buried in a cave.

With binoculars in hand, he scanned the ridge,
Hoping to find clues that would lead him to the ridge.

But instead, he stumbled upon a burro,
With a canteen strapped to its back, ready to go.

Curious, he followed the burro's lead,
And before he knew it, he was taken with speed.

Through the portal they went, into a world so strange,
Mesmerizing sights greeted them, it was quite the change.

A cringe came over the prospector, unsure of what to do,
But the burro nudged him on, encouraging him to pursue.

Emerging from the portal, they found a land of gold,
With treasures and riches, that had yet to be told.

The prospector grinned, feeling as though he hit the jackpot,
And he knew he wouldn't have found it, without the burro's help, that's a fact.

So let this be a lesson, to always keep an open mind,
And you never know what kind of treasure, you might just find.


  1. What did the prospector hope to find before he discovered the portal?
  2. How did the burro help the prospector throughout the adventure?
  3. What was the prospector's reaction when he emerged from the portal into a new world?
  4. What lesson did the prospector learn from his adventure with the burro?
  5. If you had a chance to travel through a mystical portal, where would you want to go and why?

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