The Barbarian's Diplomatic Transformation

In a land of empires and Germanic tribes,
Lived a fierce barbarian with savage vibes.
He rampaged through villages with sword in hand,
Taking what he wanted, conquering the land.

But one day he met a brave ally,
Who spoke of diplomacy, and not to rely
On violence alone to gain prestige and power,
But to use words to build alliances to flower.

The barbarian learned the value of peace,
And how diplomacy could help his kingdom increase.
No longer did he need to sack and siege,
For he found new ways to achieve.

With his newfound ally, he built an empire,
Based on trust and respect, not fueled by fire.
And the dowry of humanity was shared with all,
Making sure no one would suffer or fall.

Now the barbarian is seen in a different light,
No longer feared, but respected and bright.
For he used his strength for good and not for ill,
And that's a lesson all kids can fulfill.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What was the barbarian's original approach to gaining power and prestige, and how did he change?
  2. How did the barbarian's ally help him to see the value of diplomacy and forming alliances?
  3. What is the dowry of humanity, and how did the barbarian share it with all?
  4. Why do you think it's important to use strength and power for good rather than for ill?
  5. Can you think of a time when you used diplomacy to resolve a conflict or build a relationship?

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