Pirate Adventure: The Marooned Mutiny

In a galley far away,
A pirate crew would play.
But danger lurked on the sea,
They had to be alert, you see.

A hijack on the horizon,
They had to act with precision.
Civil they were not,
Their mission was to loot and plot.

Confrontation was their game,
A mutiny they would aim.
But things went wrong, they were doomed,
Marooned on an island, in gloom.

The island was hideous,
But one among them was perceptive.
He had a plan to save the day,
Commandeer a ship and sail away.

With their wits and skills combined,
They left the island far behind.
And as they sailed towards the sun,
Their adventure had just begun.

So remember, young ones, to be wise,
And always keep your eyes on the prize.
For with courage and a clever mind,
You can conquer any danger you find.


  1. What was the danger that the pirate crew had to be alert about?
  2. Why did the pirates confront each other with a mutiny?
  3. What happened when they were marooned on the island?
  4. Who among the pirates had a plan to save the day, and what was the plan?
  5. What do you think would have happened if they didn't have a perceptive member in their crew?

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