Discovering the Magic of Creation

Come gather round, young ones, listen well,
I've a story to tell, so sit and dwell.
It's about the power of creating,
And how it can lead to fascinating things.

Weaving a mesh of dreams and ideas,
Bringing to life what's in our mind's arenas,
Whether it's in art, music, or writing,
Our imagination can be so inviting.

But creating is just the first step,
We also need to maintain, don't forget.
Taking care of what we've made,
Ensuring it lasts, won't ever fade.

Fashion is another way to express,
Putting together outfits with finesse.
From simple to ornate, there's no limit,
As long as we feel good in it.

Now, let's talk about professions,
Finding what we love is our mission.
Something that we're passionate about,
That we can't stop thinking about.

Like a sculptor with their resin and clay,
Or a dancer who pirouettes all day.
It's an obsession, a burning fire,
That drives us to reach higher and higher.

We can also extend our talents and skills,
Take on new challenges, climb new hills.
With each new experience, we gain more,
And we realize that our options are never poor.

So, young ones, don't be afraid to create,
To maintain, to fashion, to innovate.
Follow your passion, pursue your profession,
And watch your world transform with your obsession.


  1. What are some ways you like to express your creativity?
  2. How can you maintain something you've created so that it lasts a long time?
  3. Do you have a favorite fashion style or outfit that you like to wear?
  4. Have you ever thought about what profession you might want to have when you grow up?
  5. What's something you're really passionate about and would love to spend more time doing?

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