King's Toupee Adventure

In a land of make-believe,
Where dreams come true, you'll see,
A place filled with variety,
Where magic is the key.

In this land, there lived a king,
Whose nobility did ring,
Throughout every single section,
With power and with meaning.

One day, the king did wear
A toupee atop his hair,
A wig of sorts, so rare,
He thought he looked quite debonair.

But as he walked around that day,
Several folks came his way,
And told him with dismay,
That his hairpiece had gone astray!

So the king, with great surprise,
Looked up towards the skies,
And with a laugh and a sigh,
He realized the truth in their eyes.

For in this land of make-believe,
Where magic can be achieved,
A wig or toupee might deceive,
But true beauty lies in what we believe.


  1. Why did the king wear a toupee?
  2. What happened when the king wore the toupee around the town?
  3. What did the people of the town think of the king's toupee?
  4. What lesson did the king learn about true beauty?
  5. Do you think it's important to be true to yourself, even if it means not following current trends? Why or why not?

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