The Little Mouse Who Found a Friend

When you feel sad and depressed,
And everything seems like a test,
Don't let anyone intimidate,
You're special and great, don't let them dictate.

There's a phenomenon called abuse,
It's wrong and hurtful, of no use,
Never let anyone make you feel small,
Speak up and stand tall.

Sometimes life can be arduous,
Leaving you feeling tired and powerless,
Don't let fatigue get in the way,
Take a break, rest, and play.

If you're feeling dehydrated,
Drink some water, it's highly rated,
It'll help you feel better and refreshed,
Just like a prestigious medal on your chest.

Remember, you're strong and brave,
Even when life throws you a wave,
Believe in yourself and your abilities,
And keep striving towards your possibilities.


  1. How did the little mouse feel at the beginning of the story?
  2. Why do you think the other animals didn't want to be friends with the little mouse?
  3. What did the little mouse do to try to make friends with the other animals?
  4. How did the little mouse feel when he finally found a friend?
  5. What did the little mouse learn about friendship?
  6. Have you ever felt like the little mouse, wanting to make friends but feeling left out?
  7. What are some things you can do to make new friends?
  8. Why is it important to be kind to others, even if they are different from us?
  9. How can we show kindness and compassion to those who may be struggling to make friends?
  10. What makes a good friend, in your opinion?

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