From Sharecropper to Unity: A Legacy of Determination

There once was a farmer, a sharecropper he,
His legacy of hard work, for his kids to see.
But racism was strong, an ordeal to face,
Intimidate and discriminate, no rightful place.

But determination filled the farmer's heart,
To integrate and share, a brand new start.
No more discrimination, no more hate,
Together they'd work, hand in hand, not late.

The farmer taught his children well,
Of their ancestors' stories, a tale to tell.
The struggle for freedom, for equal rights,
A fight for justice, no more endless nights.

And so the kids grew up, strong and proud,
Determined to make a difference, to shout it loud.
Racism has no place, in their community,
Together they stand, in unity.

The legacy of the sharecropper, still lives on,
A reminder of the past, to right the wrong.
Determination to be kind, to treat everyone fair,
With love and respect, to show we care.


Here are a few questions that kids could think about after reading "From Sharecropper to Unity: A Legacy of Determination":

  1. What was the legacy that the sharecropper left for his children?
  2. What challenges did the farmer and his children face in their community?
  3. How did the farmer and his children respond to racism and discrimination?
  4. What is determination, and how did it help the farmer and his children overcome challenges?
  5. Why is it important to treat everyone with love and respect, regardless of their race or background?
  6. What can you do to promote unity and fight against discrimination in your community?

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