Lily's Adventure in Shapes Land

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to explore the world. One day, she went on a plane ride to a far-off land. As she looked out the window, she saw many shapes on the ground below.

Lily pointed to a tall pole and asked the pilot, "What shape is that?" The pilot replied, "That's a cylinder, a type of prism."

As they flew over a field, Lily saw many polyggon shapes. The pilot explained, "Those are farm fields, and the shapes are called hexagons and squares."

Next, they flew over a range of mountains and Lily saw many pyramids. The pilot said, "Those are called triangular pyramids."

Lily was fascinated by all the different shapes she saw and wanted to learn more. So, she decided to visit a school where she could learn about the different shapes and their names.

The teacher taught her about the different shapes like the cylinder, prism, polygon, pyramid, and many more. Lily was so eager to learn that she quickly rose to the top rank in her class.

From that day on, whenever Lily saw a shape, she knew its name and what type it was. She became known as the shape expert and was always eager to teach others about the wonders of geometry.

And that's the story of how Lily became a shape master and explored the world of shapes!


  1. What shapes did Lily see from the plane?
  2. What did the pilot tell Lily about the tall pole she saw?
  3. What did Lily learn about the different shapes in school?
  4. What was Lily's rank in her class?
  5. What did Lily become known as after she learned about shapes?

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