Legends of the Native Americans

Come children, gather round,
Let me tell you tales that astound,
Of Native Americans, wise and proud,
Whose stories will make you say "WOW!"

Long ago, in times so old,
They lived in harmony with nature, bold,
Built terraces to farm the land,
With quinoa, a crop so grand.

Their homes were called kivas,
Round and warm, like a cozy pizza,
And on the walls, they'd paint a mural,
A window to their world, so rural.

They'd carve petroglyphs in rocks,
Telling tales of their gods and flocks,
And when their bridges they'd suspend,
It was a marvel that wouldn't end.

And when their tribe would flourish,
Their cities were a sight to cherish,
But even when in ruin they'd lie,
Their culture would still not die.

For in their perspective, you see,
Their way of life was meant to be,
And even when not intact,
Their history will always attract.

So let us learn from them today,
To cherish nature in every way,
And appreciate the stories they left behind,
For in them, wisdom we will find.


  1. What did the Native Americans use quinoa for?
  2. How did the Native Americans build their homes?
  3. What kind of stories did the petroglyphs on the rocks tell?
  4. What kind of bridges did the Native Americans build?
  5. How did the Native Americans appreciate and preserve their culture?

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