The Mighty Forces of the Earth

Come, little ones, gather 'round
For a story of the earth's mighty sound
Of rumbling quakes and volcanic roar
Of the power that lies at our planet's core

The Richter scale can measure the might
Of an earthquake's force that shakes with all its might
The ground trembles and buildings sway
As the earth's crust shifts in a powerful way

Mudslides and landslides, they can occur
When rain or snow loosens the earth's spur
And down the hill, the mud and rocks do slide
Carving a path where nothing can hide

Deep beneath the earth's crust and stones
Lies magma that burns and churns and groans
And when it rises up with a mighty force
A volcano erupts in a fiery source

And if you've heard of the term "fault"
It's a crack in the earth, a crevice that's caught
The tension between tectonic plates
Which can cause quakes, both big and great

So, let's be mindful of the power within
And always respect the earth's every whim
For though it may seem still and tame
It can shake and shift, never the same.


  1. What is the Richter scale, and how does it measure the magnitude of an earthquake?
  2. Can you name some of the natural phenomena that were mentioned in the poem, and how do they occur?
  3. How can we stay safe when there is an earthquake, landslide, or volcano eruption?
  4. How does the earth's surface change over time, and what are some of the factors that contribute to these changes?
  5. Can you think of any real-life examples of earthquakes, volcanoes, or landslides that have happened in the past?

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