The Breakthrough for a Greener Future

Come and gather 'round, my friends,
For a tale of how our world can mend.
With a breakthrough in technology,
We can save our planet, just you see.

Our old cars spew out emissions,
So much so it's a dangerous position.
But there's an alternative that's clean,
A hybrid car, the most efficient machine.

By combining an atom or two,
We can eliminate pollutants, it's true.
This new method of power,
Will make our environment flower.

For the next generation to come,
We must act now, before it's done.
Let's reduce our exhaust and waste,
And create a future that's built to last.

So let's all do our part,
To save our planet, with all our heart.
Together, we can make a change,
And a brighter future we can arrange.


  1. What is the problem with the old cars that run on gas?
  2. How is a hybrid car different from a regular car?
  3. What is the breakthrough technology that the story talks about?
  4. Why is it important to eliminate emissions?
  5. What can we do to make our environment cleaner and greener?
  6. What do you think the future will be like if we all work together to protect the environment?
  7. How can you help make a difference in protecting the environment?

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