Lily's Fractal Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved mathematics. She was fascinated by the way numbers fit together to form patterns and shapes. One day, while exploring the library, she stumbled upon a book about fractals.

She was amazed by the beautiful, intricate designs created by repeating a simple formula over and over again. She decided to try making her own fractals by drawing a grid and using a formula to determine which squares to color in.

As she worked, she found that by changing the formula, she could create different patterns with varying levels of complexity. She also discovered that the patterns she created looked similar at different levels of magnification, just like real-life fractals.

Lily was so excited about her discovery that she decided to enter her fractals into the school science fair. On the day of the fair, she proudly displayed her work and explained the concept of fractals and how she created her designs.

Everyone was impressed by Lily's creativity and understanding of mathematics. She won first prize and was even approached by a famous mathematician who wanted to learn more about her work.

From that day on, Lily continued to explore the world of fractals and was determined to discover even more beautiful and complex designs. She was grateful for the day she found that book in the library and was inspired to use her love of mathematics to create art.

The end.


  1. What was Lily fascinated by in mathematics?
  2. How did Lily create her fractals?
  3. What did Lily discover about the patterns she created?
  4. What happened when Lily entered her fractals in the science fair?
  5. What did Lily learn from her experience with fractals?

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