Beating the Bug: A Tale of Fighting Infection

When a nasty bug gets in your way,
It brings a host of problems to your day.
Your body fights hard, with all its might,
To keep you healthy, and feeling just right.

If you feel sick, it might be a symptom,
Of an infection that wants to trick 'em.
But your immune system is on the case,
Working hard to eradicate the trace.

The germ, or organism, is the cause,
And it spreads when things get too close.
It might be in the air, or on your hand,
Or in a place that's contaminated with its brand.

If things get bad, there's a cure in sight,
An antibiotic to make things right.
It helps your body fight the nasty bug,
And keeps the outbreak from spreading too much.

So stay healthy, and keep yourself clean,
Wash your hands, and keep surfaces pristine.
If you do get sick, don't worry or fret,
Your body's strong, and you'll beat the threat.

Remember, a disease is no match for you,
Your body knows just what to do.
So stay strong, and keep up the fight,
And you'll be healthy, all day and night.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What is an infection and how does it make you feel?
  2. How does the body's immune system work to fight off germs?
  3. Why is it important to keep surfaces clean and wash your hands often?
  4. What are some things you can do to help prevent the spread of germs and infections?
  5. How do antibiotics help the body fight off infections?

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