Egyptian Mummification: Preserving the Past for Eternity

In ancient times, so long ago
The Egyptians lived and loved, you know
They built great pyramids so grand
And mummified their dead by hand

The embalmer would make an incision
To remove organs with precision
Then wrap the body up so tight
With linen bandages, day and night

They'd use resin to seal it well
So the body wouldn't start to smell
And in the tomb, an amulet
To protect the soul, they would set

The hieroglyphs upon the wall
Told stories of the afterlife, so tall
And when the time had come to rest
The body would be put to the test

Some were cremated, some decomposed
But mummification was the chosen mode
To keep the body preserved and sound
For eternal life to be found

Though they've long since left this earth
Their sacred practices still hold worth
And we can learn from their history
To honor and respect life's mystery.


  1. Why did the ancient Egyptians practice mummification?
  2. What materials were used to mummify a body?
  3. What did the hieroglyphs on the tomb walls represent?
  4. What is an amulet and why was it placed in the tomb?
  5. How did mummification help the Egyptians believe in an afterlife?

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