Rising Above Discrimination: A Tale of Opportunity and Integration

Out in the frontier, where the buffalo roam,
Opportunities abound, for all to find a home.
But discrimination and racism can often appear,
Blocking the path for those who are near.

We must integrate, and protect every race,
So that all may have an equal chance to chase,
Their dreams and prove their worth,
In this world that can sometimes be a bit of a dearth.

Expansion can be great, but not at the cost,
Of those who are different, and need to be embossed,
With the same rights and chances that we all enjoy,
So that they too can thrive and deploy.

We can provide, and help them to grow,
So that the desert may blossom, and the winds may blow,
Bringing new life to a land once thought to be dead,
With opportunities for all, not just those who are well-fed.

So let's work together, and strive to make right,
The wrongs of the past, and shine a bright light,
On a future where discrimination and hate,
Are things we leave behind, except as a lesson to state.


  1. What are some examples of discrimination and racism that the community faced in the story?
  2. How did the community work together to overcome these obstacles and integrate?
  3. What opportunities did the community create for themselves and each other in the story?
  4. Why is it important to protect and provide equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their race or background?
  5. How can we learn from the community in the story and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society?

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