The Adventure of Cevian in Centerville

Once upon a time, there was a magical kingdom in the center of the world called Centerville. In Centerville, there lived a wise king named Centroid who ruled with fairness and kindness. One day, a young prince named Cevian came to visit the kingdom. Cevian was fascinated by the geometry of shapes and asked King Centroid to teach him more about it.

King Centroid was happy to oblige and took Cevian to the kingdom's castle where he showed him a large circle drawn on the floor. The king explained that the center of the circle was a special point called the center and that it was equidistant from all points on the circumference of the circle. Cevian was amazed and asked the king to show him more.

King Centroid then took a ruler and drew a line from the center of the circle to a point on the circumference. He explained that this line was called a radius and that it was a line segment that connected the center to the circumference of the circle. Cevian was fascinated and asked the king to show him more.

King Centroid then took another ruler and drew a line segment that connected two points on the circumference of the circle. He explained that this line was called a chord and that it was a line segment that connected two points on the circumference of the circle. Cevian was amazed and asked the king to show him more.

King Centroid then took a third ruler and drew a line from the center of the circle to the midpoint of the chord. He explained that this line was called a cevian and that it was a line segment that connected the center of the circle to the midpoint of a chord. Cevian was fascinated and thanked King Centroid for teaching him so much.

From that day on, Cevian used his newfound knowledge to explore the world of geometry and to create beautiful shapes and patterns. And he lived happily ever after, spreading his love of geometry to all who would listen. The end.


  1. What did Cevian learn about the center of a circle?
  2. What is a radius in a circle?
  3. What is a chord in a circle?
  4. What is a cevian in a circle?
  5. How did Cevian use his newfound knowledge of geometry?
  6. What did King Centroid teach Cevian?
  7. How did Cevian feel after learning about geometry from King Centroid?

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