Protecting the Biosphere: Taking Action Against Climate Change".

In the biosphere we live and grow,
Where creatures big and small all know
That climate change is all around,
And we must keep our planet sound.

Global warming is a real threat,
We must act fast and not forget,
To reduce the carbon dioxide,
And all the harm it can provide.

The climate's changing every day,
And natural services are at play,
To keep our planet in good shape,
Let's work together, don't escape.

We can all do our part, you see,
To keep the biosphere healthy,
Reduce, reuse and recycle too,
Let's help the planet, me and you.

So let's protect our planet's life,
For every creature, great and small,
And work to keep the biosphere strong,
So we can all live on and on.


  1. What is climate change and why is it important to protect the planet?
  2. What are some things we can do to help protect the planet and reduce the harm caused by carbon dioxide?
  3. Why is it important to work together to protect the planet's biosphere? What are some ways we can work together to do this?

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