Title: The Oasis of Survival

In a far-off land where the sun beats down
And rain is scarce, and the ground is brown
Lies an oasis, a wondrous place
Filled with vegetation and much-needed space

Nomadic tribes would travel for days
Across the desert's unending maze
Until they reached this blessed spot
Where they could rest and find resource they sought

Millennia passed, and the oasis remained
A place of life, where plants sustained
But droughts would come, and the water would dry
Leaving the people to wonder and sigh

But they were clever, these desert folk
They knew how to adapt, how to invoke
The power of plants like the plantain
And the sturdy dung, which they would sustain

With these resources, they built their homes
And waited for the rain to come
And when it did, they danced with glee
For they knew their oasis would again be free

So, remember, dear children, when times get tough
And the world seems like it's had enough
Look to the desert and the oasis there
And know that life can thrive, even in despair.


  1. What is an oasis, and how did it help the nomadic tribe in the story?
  2. What are some of the challenges that the tribe faced living in the desert, and how did they overcome them?
  3. What can we learn from the resourcefulness and adaptability of the nomadic tribe in the story?
  4. Can you think of any other real-life examples of people adapting to their environment and making the most of available resources?
  5. How do you think the story would have been different if the oasis had dried up completely, and the tribe could no longer rely on it?

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