The Geologist's Expedition: Protecting the Tundra's Wildlife

Deep in the tundra, where snowflakes abound
A geologist explored, and wondrous things found
She studied the rocks, the soil, and the snow
And marveled at nature's magnificent show

She saw caribou migrating in the icy cold
Moving with independence, brave and bold
Their path was long, and the journey was tough
But they persevered, and they never gave up

The geologist also learned about endangered species
Whose homes were threatened by human diseases
She estimated their numbers, and realized with concern
That we must act fast, or they'll never return

But the geologist also saw hope in her eyes
For she knew we can make a difference if we try
If we work together and do our part
We can preserve nature and protect its heart

So let us all learn from the geologist's tale
And do what we can to protect the tundra's trail
Let's cherish the wildlife and help them thrive
So they can continue their journeys, and we can all survive.


Here are a few questions that kids can think about related to the story:

  1. What is a geologist, and what did the geologist in the story study in the tundra?
  2. What is migration, and why do caribou migrate?
  3. Why were some species endangered in the tundra, and what can we do to help protect them?
  4. Why is it important to preserve nature and protect wildlife?
  5. What can we learn from the geologist's expedition, and how can we take action to protect the environment?

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