Bringing Harmony Through Music

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
A phonograph played music all day,
It had a special feature, so grand,
It could integrate different bands.

The lyrics were magical, they sang with glee,
And kids danced around so happily,
An institution of fun, you might say,
For everyone to come and play.

But sadly, there was a time,
When segregation was deemed just fine,
The jukebox would play only for some,
Leaving others feeling so very numb.

But the kids didn't let that stop their fun,
They knew music brought everyone,
They sang and danced with joy so pure,
And soon, segregation was no more.

Now the phonograph played for all,
And everyone had a ball,
The power of music, so clear to see,
Bringing unity and harmony.


Here are some questions you can ask kids to think about the story:

  1. How did the phonograph bring people together in the story?
  2. Why do you think segregation was a problem in the past, and how did the kids in the story help to overcome it?
  3. How did the lyrics of the music help to create unity and harmony among the people in the story?
  4. What role does music play in your life, and how can it be used to bring people together and build bridges between different communities?
  5. What are some ways that you can help to promote unity and harmony in your own community, using the lessons from the story?

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