The Four Friends' Jungle Adventure

Once upon a time, in a far-off jungle, there lived four wild animals: a leopard named Leo, a lion named Liam, a lynx named Lenny, and a mamba named Max.

One day, Leo, Liam, and Lenny were playing in the jungle when they heard a loud hiss. They turned around and saw Max, the mamba, coiled up and ready to strike.

"Whoa, Max! Why are you so angry?" asked Leo.

Max replied, "I'm not angry, I'm just hungry. I haven't eaten in days and I can't find any food."

Liam, the king of the jungle, had an idea. "Why don't we all go hunting together? We'll have a better chance of finding food that way."

And so, the four friends set off into the jungle to hunt. They searched high and low, but they couldn't find anything to eat. Just when they were about to give up, they stumbled upon a clearing filled with delicious fruits and vegetables.

"Wow, look at all this food!" exclaimed Lenny.

They all feasted together, sharing their food and having a great time. From that day on, Leo, Liam, Lenny, and Max went on many adventures together, always sticking by each other's side and never letting hunger get the best of them.

The end.


  1. Who are the four friends in the story?
  2. Why was Max, the mamba, angry in the beginning of the story?
  3. What did the friends do to find food?
  4. How did they feel after they found the clearing filled with food?
  5. Why do you think the friends decided to stick together and go on adventures?
  6. Who was the king of the jungle in the story?
  7. How did the story end?

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