The Importance of Tiny Things and Conservation

In a world so vast and grand,
There are tiny things that we can't see,
Molecules that make up all we have,
Building blocks of you and me.

Bacteria are little creatures,
Scavengers that clean and feed,
Breaking down the things we leave,
Invisible helpers we need.

Clots are what our blood does make,
To keep us from bleeding out,
They adapt to where they need to go,
A process that's what it's all about.

Conservation is the key,
To keep our planet safe and sound,
We bask in nature's beauty,
With respect that's always found.

So young ones, remember this,
The things that seem so small,
Are really quite important,
And can make a big difference after all.


  1. What are some examples of tiny things that are important to us, according to the poem?
  2. Why are bacteria important and what do they do?
  3. What is conservation and why is it important to keep our planet safe and sound?

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