The Battle of Science: Fighting the Virus with Molecules and DNA

Once upon a time, in science class so grand,
We learned about molecules and DNA strands.
A double helix, a twisted rope so strong,
Holding our genetic code all day long.

But then a virus came into view,
Inadequate defenses, what will we do?
A prank by nature, it spread with ease,
Infecting our bodies, making us sneeze.

The scholars researched with all their might,
Lectures and theories, all through the night.
They worked so hard to find a way,
To fight this virus, and keep it at bay.

We must persevere, and work with industry,
To make vaccines, and bring about victory.
Resent the virus, but not each other,
And support the scholars, like a loving mother.

For science can bring us scholarship so bright,
And help us win this difficult fight.
So let's learn and study, with all our might,
And bring an end to this virus blight.


  1. What is a virus, and how does it infect our bodies?
  2. Why is it important to study science and learn about molecules and DNA?
  3. How do scholars help fight viruses like the one in the story?
  4. Why is it important to support scientific research and scholarship?
  5. What can we do to help stop the spread of viruses in our communities?

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