An Unlikely Friendship in the Jungle

Once upon a time in the jungle so wide,
Lived an unsuspecting peccary with pride.
He roamed around the forest, not a care in the world,
Until one day, an epiphyte he found coiled and curled.

The peccary didn't understand what it was,
A plant that grows on another with no fuss.
But as he moved closer, he saw it with delight,
A prehensile plant that grabbed with all its might.

He watched as it clung to a tree up high,
A volume of leaves that reached for the sky.
The peccary was amazed by this magical sight,
A bond between two living things that was just right.

So from that day on, the peccary would go,
To visit his new friend, the epiphyte below.
He learned to appreciate the beauty around,
And to see the wonders that in nature abound.

So kids, remember to keep your eyes open wide,
And to see the world with wonder and pride.
For there are treasures around that you might miss,
But with curiosity, you'll never be remiss.


  1. What is an epiphyte, and how does it grow on other plants?
  2. How did the peccary feel about the epiphyte when he first saw it, and how did his feelings change over time?
  3. What can we learn from the peccary's curiosity about the epiphyte and his willingness to learn more about it?
  4. How does the peccary's discovery of the epiphyte show us that there are always new things to learn and appreciate in nature?
  5. Can you think of any other examples of unlikely friendships in the animal kingdom, and what can we learn from them?

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