The Problem-Solving Pillar: A Story of Temporary Challenges and Lasting Solutions

Once upon a time in a land far away
There lived a young kid who loved to play
But one day, a problem came his way
And he couldn't find a solution that day.

He sat down, feeling quite distressed
Wondering how he could fix this mess
But then he remembered something he knew
Sometimes problems are just temporarily due.

He decided to take a break and go for a walk
To clear his head and have a talk
With nature, who always helped him see
The beauty of the world and how to be free.

When he returned, his mind was clear
And he knew just what to do, without any fear
He built a pillar, strong and tall
And placed his problem on top, feeling small.

He lit a pyre underneath with care
And watched his problem burn without a care
As the flames flickered, he knew for sure
That he had found the solution he was looking for.

He realized that problems can be like a pill
That we need to take to help us fulfill
Our dreams and goals and reach immortality
By learning and growing, we can live happily.


  1. What was the problem that the young kid faced in the story, and how did he try to solve it at first?
  2. How did the young kid feel when he couldn't find a solution to his problem, and what did he do to help clear his mind and come up with a solution?
  3. What did the young kid build to help him solve his problem, and why was it important?
  4. What did the young kid learn from his experience with the problem and how he solved it?
  5. How can you apply the lesson from this story to a problem or challenge you might be facing in your own life?

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