The Adventure of the Lost Key

On the field of play we stand,
With passion and skills at hand,
We move with an astoundingly grace,
Each step a dance, each move a chase.

The referee watches with a careful eye,
To ensure that we play by the rules and don't defy,
For an infraction can cause a hazard or two,
And put us in a situation we never knew.

But with proficiency we play,
And we make sure to stay,
On the neutral ground of the game,
Without influence or blame.

We all come from different places,
But here we stand, with smiling faces,
In these collegiate facilities we call our own,
Together we create a spirit that's grown.

So let's give each other a hand,
As we run across this land,
With our flanks protected and our hearts full,
We'll show the world how to play fair and cool.


  1. What was the missing key for and why was it so important?
  2. What were some of the challenges Lily faced while searching for the key?
  3. How did Lily feel when she finally found the key?
  4. If you were in Lily's shoes, what would you have done differently?
  5. What did Lily learn from her adventure and how might she use that knowledge in the future?

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