The Picnic Adventure of the Meadow Friends

Once upon a time, in a green meadow, there lived many animals. There was a sparrow, a rabbit, cattle, a chick, a goat, a mouse, a pigeon, a cow, a hen, and a hedgehog.

One day, the sparrow had an idea to have a picnic in the meadow. All the animals were excited and agreed to bring food to share. The rabbit brought some carrots, the cattle brought grass, the chick brought some seeds, the goat brought some leaves, the mouse brought some cheese, the pigeon brought some bread, the cow brought some milk, the hen brought some eggs, and the hedgehog brought some berries.

They all gathered under a big tree and started to enjoy their food. But suddenly, a strong wind started to blow and all the food got scattered. The animals were worried that they wouldn't have anything to eat.

The sparrow, being the smallest among them, had an idea. He asked everyone to help him gather all the food that had fallen on the ground. The animals worked together and managed to gather all the food.

The picnic continued and everyone was happy and satisfied. They all realized that working together and helping each other can make even the toughest situations easier.

From that day on, the animals in the meadow became the best of friends and always helped each other in need. They lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. What did each animal bring to the picnic?
  3. What happened during the picnic?
  4. What did the sparrow do to solve the problem?
  5. What did the animals learn from the picnic adventure?
  6. How did the animals feel at the end of the story?
  7. Why is it important to work together and help each other?

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