Discovering the Northwest Passage: A Courageous Expedition

Up north where the ice is bold,
Lies a passage yet untold.
An expedition set to go,
To explore and let us know.

With an interpreter to aid,
And a character who's unafraid,
The team sets forth with fortitude,
To brave the wild with gratitude.

Each member makes a contribution,
To chart this land with resolution.
The Northwest Passage they seek to find,
With spirit and a curious mind.

Through storm and frost they forge ahead,
With perseverance in their stead.
Their journey long, their spirits high,
They'll make history, we can't deny.

And when their quest comes to an end,
Their story we will all commend.
For in their hearts they held the key,
To a new frontier for all to see.


Here are a few questions that kids can think about after reading the story:

  1. What is the Northwest Passage, and why was it important for the explorers to discover it?
  2. What challenges did the explorers face during their expedition, and how did they overcome them?
  3. What character traits did the explorers display during their journey, and how did these traits help them succeed?
  4. How important was teamwork for the success of the expedition?
  5. What contributions did each member of the team make to the success of the expedition?
  6. Would you like to go on an expedition like this one? Why or why not?
  7. How do you think the discovery of the Northwest Passage impacted the world?

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