The Magic of Giving

In the race of life, we all want to win,
But it's important to play fair and not give in,
To the temptation of steroids and synthetic aid,
For it can have side effects and leave you stunted, afraid.

Puberty brings changes to our body and mind,
It's a natural process, so be patient and kind,
Build your stamina with exercise and play,
And you'll have the energy to conquer each day.

Cheaters may win for a while,
But their reputation will soon be on trial,
For no one likes a person who plays unfairly,
So stay true to yourself and be competitive, but square.

Remember, using steroids illegally,
Can cause harm to your body and personality,
So always choose the path that's right,
And success will come without any strife.

In the end, it's not just about winning the game,
But also about playing with integrity and fame,
So stay true to yourself and be a true champion,
And you'll earn respect, admiration, and admiration.


  1. What did the young boy learn about giving in the story?
  2. How did the magic of giving affect the world around the boy?
  3. Why do you think the boy felt so happy and fulfilled when he gave to others?
  4. Have you ever experienced the magic of giving? If so, can you tell me about it?
  5. Do you think that giving is important? Why or why not?
  6. How can you incorporate the magic of giving into your own life?

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