The Young Hunter's Adventure

Once upon a time in a faraway land,
Lived a young lad with a musket in hand.
He hunted with his fowling piece,
A skill he learned from his father, a great peace.

His mother taught him to cook with care,
Using a pestle to grind herbs rare.
She'd make a stew with a quahog or two,
And serve it by the hearth, cozy and true.

One day, as he roamed the forest deep,
He found a doublet and began to leap.
With pompion in hand, he played with glee,
And christened it his new finery.

He came across a strong wetu,
Built with sinew and skill by his crew.
He admired the craftsmanship and smiled,
As he thought of the past, a memory compiled.

As the day went on, he looked around,
And saw the beauty in all that surrounded.
The Nasump and its colorful shell,
A sight that captured his heart so well.

And as the sun began to set,
He looked up with no regret.
For in his heart, he knew he was blessed,
To live in a land so great, a true test.

So young ones, as you play and explore,
Remember to appreciate and adore.
All that surrounds you, big and small,
For it is a gift to cherish, after all.


Here are some questions that kids can think about after reading "The Young Hunter's Adventure":

  1. What is your favorite part of the story and why?
  2. What are some of the things the young hunter learns from his parents, and why are they important?
  3. What does the young hunter find in the forest, and how does he feel about it?
  4. Why do you think the young hunter feels grateful for the natural world around him?
  5. Have you ever gone on an adventure like the young hunter's, and what did you learn from it?

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