The Rancid Resin: A Lesson in Fashion for Kids

In days of old, the aristocracy
Were dressed in garments ornate and free,
With wigs and extensions, oh so grand,
Fashioned with elaborate command.

But one thing often went amiss,
Their garments reeked of something remiss,
A smell so strong, so rancid and old,
It could make a grown man hold his nose and fold.

The culprit was the resin used,
To stiffen garments and keep them amused,
But when left to sit for too long,
It turned rancid and ruined their song.

So, kids, if you want to dress like a king,
Be sure to give your garments a spring clean,
Don't let the resin get out of hand,
Or you might end up smelling like a garbage can.


  1. What is resin and why did the aristocracy use it in their garments?
  2. What happened when the resin was left to sit for too long?
  3. Why is it important to take care of our clothes and keep them clean?
  4. How do you think the aristocracy would have smelled if they neglected their garment care?
  5. What can we do to keep our clothes smelling fresh and clean?

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