From Ambition to Achievement: The Story of a Young Prime Minister

Once upon a time, in a far-off land,
There lived a kid with an ambitious plan.
He wanted to be a prime minister, you see,
And make his empire the best it could be.

With his wit and charm, he set out to learn,
The ways of politics and how to discern,
What was best for the people he hoped to serve,
And how to lead with a steady nerve.

But he faced obstacles, as all leaders do,
The aristocratic class, who thought they knew,
The only way to govern and maintain their power,
They thought this kid was just a flower.

But the kid persevered, despite their scorn,
And soon, he rose up like a new dawn,
To become the prime minister of his land,
And lead his people with a steady hand.

He fought against the depression of his time,
And worked to make the economy climb,
And for his efforts, he was honored with a prize,
The Nobel Prize, a symbol of his rise.

So kids, remember this story true,
If you have ambition, you can see it through,
With wit and hard work, you can achieve your dream,
And be the leader of your own empire's team.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What did the young kid want to become when he grew up, and how did he achieve his goal?
  2. Who were the obstacles that the kid faced in his journey to become the prime minister, and how did he overcome them?
  3. What did the kid do to fight against the depression of his time, and what impact did it have on his empire?
  4. How did the kid's wit and charm help him in his journey to become the prime minister, and why is it important to have these qualities in a leader?
  5. What is the significance of the Nobel Prize, and why was it awarded to the young prime minister in the story?

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