United for Freedom: A Tale of the Civil War

Once upon a time, so long ago,
A country was divided, a rift did grow.
The North and South, they did not agree,
On the topic of slavery and being free.

Abolitionists fought for what was right,
To end the practice with all their might.
But the South refused, they would not concede,
And threatened to secede from the lead.

Representatives spoke for their states,
To campaign for laws to change their fates.
An amendment was added, a change so grand,
To make sure all were free in this land.

The Confederate army did not agree,
And went to war, casualties did we see.
The Emancipation Proclamation came,
A historic moment, freedom was gained.

Fugitives ran, seeking a better life,
Away from danger and endless strife.
Mourning the losses, both big and small,
But hopeful for the future, united for all.

Now we look back and learn from the past,
To make sure freedom and justice will last.
We honor those who fought for what was right,
To make our country a beacon of light.


  1. What was the main disagreement between the North and South during the Civil War?
  2. What did abolitionists fight for?
  3. How did representatives campaign for change?
  4. What was the Emancipation Proclamation and why was it important?
  5. How did the war affect the lives of both soldiers and civilians?
  6. What can we learn from this story about the importance of freedom and justice?
  7. Do you think it was important for the country to be united after the war?
  8. How do you think the country has changed since the Civil War, and what challenges still remain?

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